
Stock Analysis

Time is money - let us help you save both by simplifying your stock picking.

What We Offer

Easy to use

Compare the company's indicators, analyze its market position, etc. Making informed decisions becomes a breeze.

Concise format

The interface has been designed to be accessible and easy to read. Forget about spending hours reading long financial tables, we help you to know instantly the relevant indicators.

Stock rated from 0 to 100

To assist with investment decision-making, we evaluate all companies according to their Earning, Stability, Price and Timing, which provides a quick overview of their investment profile and suitability for your portfolio.

Complex algorithm drive the rating

We analyse thousands of metrics everyday for each stock 24/7. It is diggest by strong algorithm that cannot miss any datas of companies.


Assess how your stocks perform relative to their peers.

You can quickly assess a company's financial ratios in comparison to those of its industry peers or the overall market to determine whether they are more or less attractiv

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Stop reading annual reports & save yourself hours of time

We understand that financial data can be complicated, so we made it simple for you. You get a clear rating from A+ to D of the significant financial statements and prices:

    • Earning: Are its fundamentals improving and safe?
    • Stability: Is it a stable business?
    • Prices: Is it cheap relative to what it earns, owns and pay out?
    • Timing: Does the stock over buy or over sold?

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